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Meet midwife Nyree Wright

Updated: Jul 9, 2022

Meet midwife Nyree Wright. She joins us in the podcast studio for the recordings of women’s birth stories to explain the twists and turns of labour and answer any questions.

Nyree has over 25 years of experience as an NHS and independent midwife. She is also a hypnobirthing instructor and antenatal teacher. Having birthed five babies of her own, Nyree has experienced both good and bad maternity care. She knows how vulnerable women can feel if not listened to and the importance of being treated with compassion and respect.

In 2006, she founded Sage Femme, an independent midwifery practice in London which provides woman-centred and continuous care. “I loved my NHS career but wanted to be able to care for women throughout their pregnancy, birth and after. Studies have shown lots of benefits with knowing your midwife, including a better childbirth experience, but unfortunately the NHS doesn't currently have the resources for it. It also gives me much more satisfaction building a lasting relationship with the women I care for.”

Nyree is passionate about birth debriefs. She believes that all women deserve the opportunity to talk about their birth with a professional. “Women often do not fully understand what happened in their birth and are left with many unanswered questions. By giving women the facts, we help them make sense of their birth experience and a chance to see their story from a different perspective.”

You can listen to Nyree in the To Become a Mother Birth Story Series.


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